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Showing posts from November, 2016

Trump, tech and the dangers of the early Digital Economy

My friend and colleague Paul Lee forwarded me the following article on the role the West Coast Tech industry played in the election of Donald Trump a week ago. The article is interesting and here: It raised some interesting thoughts for me about parallels between the sense of hopelessness that may be behind those voting for any change and that of similar people during other economic transitions. All the following is my instinctive off-the-cuff response to the article. I apologise in advance for any lack of compassion and empathy, also for occasional drifting into future musing. Take  it as read that I'm another out of touch member of the Liberal elite! The article is interesting in that it highlights the challenges of our shifting economic system. The point it makes is incomplete in that it is not just tech employees that have benefited from this economy – it is the relati...